联系我们 联系人:陈南强


发布时间:2020-09-06 15:19:07 
The freight market is changing rapidly, and the weak and strong stay is a constant law. Leading logistics with its superior vision and keen sense of touch, insight into the market opportunities, innovation, can stand out. In the future, we will continue to invest in the logistics industry to build a global logistics service network and continuously enhance our professional standards and logistics service capabilities. We are full of confidence in the future and are convinced that the mutually beneficial cooperation with our customers can help us face new challenges and ride the waves in the industry tide.无论是从大中华地区出口还是进口,骏联都积累了多年的丰富经验, 并总结出了一整套完整的操作规程,使客户能享受到快捷、方便、周到、安全、专业、规范的服务。一票普货业务可以分成五个阶段三个节点, 五个阶段即为:联系备货阶段、订舱操作阶段、海上运输阶段、到港操作阶段、交货完成阶段;三个节点是:单证交接时点,货物出运交接时点,货物到达交接时点。 骏联在这些阶段和节点均有严格的操作要求,采用分航线、分客户、分代理的方法,将操作细节落实到人、落实到单、落实到位。骏联不仅做好了中国段的服务, 更将服务的触角延伸到海外,使得骏联的服务更体现国际化的水准。 集装箱的业务主要包括: ● 进出口货物的订舱、单证服务; ● 出口集装箱的装箱和进口集装箱的拆箱以及出口货物的拼箱和进口货物的分拨; ● 进出口货物的报关报检、进出口货物的门到门服务等。广州南沙集装箱海运到印度(INDIA) 广州整箱海运国际货代 广州南沙集装箱海运到孟买(MUMBAI) 广州南沙集装箱海运那瓦夏瓦(NHAVASHEVA) 广州南沙集装箱海运加尔各答(CALCUTTA) 广州南沙集装箱海运到清奈(CHENNAI) 广州南沙集装箱海运到科钦(COCHIN) 广州南沙集装箱海运新德里(NEW DELHI) 广州南沙集装箱海运巴基斯坦(PAKISTAN) 广州整箱海运国际货代 广州南沙集装箱海运到卡拉奇(KARACHI)

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